Frequently asked questions

We are sure you’ll have questions you’d like answers to before yo invest time in contacting us. Understood. We feel you. So here we go – a couple of answers to questions we think you might ask yourself.

The first and foremost step to prepare your app for localization is making sure that all your user-facing strings are actually made localizable within your code. Please check this Apple Developer article to learn how to make your strings localizable. Apart from that, you need to make sure that any formatted run-time-generated content such as numbers, dates, etc. are implemented using the correct Foundation formatters and styles. You will find useful information on this topic here.

Commenting app strings is crucial for the localization process as it provides essential context and guidance for translators. App strings often consist of short, isolated phrases that may lack clarity when extracted from the broader application context. Comments serve as a bridge between developers and translators, offering insights into the intended meaning, context of use, and any specific considerations related to a particular string. This additional information helps translators choose the most appropriate translation, ensuring accuracy and cultural relevance. Moreover, comments aid in maintaining consistency across translations and assist future developers who may work on the project, offering a comprehensive understanding of the original developer’s intentions. In essence, well-commented app strings streamline the localization workflow, reduce potential misunderstandings, and contribute to the overall quality of the localized product.

Native speakers possess an innate understanding of the linguistic nuances, cultural subtleties, and idiomatic expressions that are crucial for accurate and contextually appropriate translations. In the realm of software development, where precision and clarity are paramount, a native speaker can ensure that the translated content not only conveys the intended technical meaning but also aligns seamlessly with the language conventions and user expectations of the target audience. This linguistic proficiency helps in crafting translations that feel natural, enhance user experience, and avoid potential misunderstandings. A native-speaking translator brings an intuitive grasp of colloquialisms, industry-specific terminology, and current linguistic trends, ultimately contributing to the overall success and acceptance of the localized software.

Yes, there is. This process is called pseudo-localization and it is used to test the app interface against several issues that could occur when localizing your UI. These issues include font display issues for special characters and accents, font compatibility with emojis and symbols, length restrictions within Auto Layout, UI mirroring for right-to-left languages, etc. The Apple Developer resources offer a comprehensive article on how to test your app UI using pseude-localization in Xcode.

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We are currently preparing this content for you. Please check back later or just get in touch if you have specific questions.

We are currently preparing this content for you. Please check back later or just get in touch if you have specific questions.